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Latest News

Prem Devanbu (CS) got two honors!

Our faculty member, Prem Devanbu (CS) recently received two honors. One is the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Award and the other is the 2022 ICSE Most Influential Paper Award (with his collaborators).

Announcement: 2022 ADVANCE Award Symposium

Dear all,

UCD4IDS is co-organizing the 2022 ADVANCE Award Symposium together with CAMPOS and Feminist Research Institute as follows. I very strongly encourage you to join us for this wonderful event! Please consider giving your poster talks too!! Here is the link to the symposium website: 2022 ADVANCE Scholar Award Symposium | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (

All the best,


GitHub Organization for UCD4IDS!!

We have now our own GitHub site: !!

Currently there are a handful of packages our members (Saito, Koeppe, and their groups) are listed there.

Please consider adding your software packages for public dissemination, which NSF would reapply appreciate.

If you have any further questions, please contact me.


Naoki Saito